Patient Resources

Health Care Resources

Register to Find a Family Practitioner >
The Health Connect Registry is the most efficient way to find a family doctor or nurse practitioner in the region. Once registered, you’ll be contacted directly when a primary care provider is available.

Explore a listing of health care resources to help get access to the care you need >
Resources are available to support Kootenay Boundary patients without a family practitioner. From the ‘See Your Pharmacist’ program to urgent primary care, screening services, and more, these resources can help you navigate the health care system and access the care you need.

Book Online – Tutorial

Step-By-Step Guide

Use this step-by-step guide to assist you in booking your KB Access Clinic appointment online through our secure patient portal.

Lab Bookings

IH Lab Booking

Through the Interior Health (IH) Outpatient Laboratory Online Booking System you can book an IH lab appointment.

You can also book by calling 1-877-740-7747.


MyCareCompass is a digital health portal by LifeLabs that allows you to find and book a lab appointment and access secure lab results.

This can be used for all LifeLabs requisitions as well as Valley Medical Laboratories (Osoyoos).

View Results & Health Records


Information available on MyHealthPortal includes Interior Health (IH) lab results, medical imaging reports (such as X-ray, CT and ultrasounds), certain IH appointments, certain transcribed clinical reports, your hospital visit history, and your contact information. You will not see information or appointments from your family doctor’s / nurse practitioner’s office or for lab tests done at private labs such as Valley Medical Laboratories and LifeLabs.

Health Gateway

Health Gateway provides secure and convenient access to your health records. Information available includes lab results, medications, immunization history, COVID-19 PCR test results and COVID-19 proof of vaccination.


MyCareCompass is a digital health portal by LifeLabs that allows you to access secure lab results. This can be used for all LifeLabs requisitions as well as Valley Medical Laboratories (Osoyoos).